
导演: 菲利普·马丁内兹
主演: 查德·科林斯,杰夫·法赫,娜塔莉·考克斯,雷·费隆,Niki Spiridakos,安东尼奥·法加斯
类型: 喜剧
国家/地区: 英国
语言: 英语
首播: (英国)
集数: 高清版
单集时长: 分钟
豆瓣评分: 0.0分


  伤心欲绝的克莱尔在伦敦举行的分手后的酒会被她的老朋友詹姆斯从纽约打来的电话打乱了。他继承了他不知名的父亲在西印度群岛加勒比尼维斯岛的华丽海滨别墅和俱乐部,他想让她和老船员和他一起呆一周,让他消化这个消息。他们爱上了这座小岛,很高兴能像过去那样重新在一起,他们一致决定留下来一年,重新开始他们的生活。他们一起合作,举办了华丽的海滩婚礼:第一次,初学者的运气,下一次,令人沮丧的失败。突然,天堂里出现了麻烦。在这部真诚的喜剧中,神奇的尼维斯能改变他们,帮助旧伤愈合,让爱在阳光下绽放吗? Heartbroken Claire's wine-fueled post-breakup pity-party in London is crashed by her old friend James calling from New York. He's inherited his unknown father's gorgeous beachfront house and club in the Caribbean island of Nevis, West Indies, and he wants her and the old crew to join him for a week while he absorbs this news. In love with the island, and thrilled to be back together again like the good old days, they unanimously decide to stay for year-one year off to reset their lives. Working together, they host gorgeous beach weddings: the first, beginner's luck, the next a dismal failure. Suddenly, there's trouble in paradise. Can magical Nevis transform them and help old wounds heal and love blossom under the sun in this heartfelt comedy?

